Valentina Cristini (PhD. Architect) graduated from Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) , is professor at Faculty of Architecture of Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) being actually Academic Director of the Master in Preservation of Architectural Heritage (link). She has been visiting professor in several European and Extra-European Universities and Institutions from the beginning of her career.

Currently she teaches both in graduate and postgraduate courses (MSc. Pedagogy). She has extensively published papers and texts on architectural conservation and she has joined several studies, projects and interventions for the preservation of monuments and vernacular architecture as in Spain as abroad. She's also fellow of Pegaso Research Centre (link),ResArquitectura Group (link), collaborator of Unesco Chair of Earthen Architecture/Unitwin/UPV (link) and she's referee for "Loggia" International Journal Editorial (link) among others.

She actually collaborates with different Agencies and Extra Academic Institutions. She 's partner of ANVUR (as external consultant: Agenzia Nazionale Di Valutazione Del Sistema Universitario Della Ricerca, Italy), ACSUG (as external advisor: Axencia para la Calidade do Sistema Universitario de Galicia), European Heritage Volunteers (as collaborator projects: EU-funded NGO), World Monuments Fund (as external reviewer),  Institute of Construction Sciences, CSIC, Eduardo Torroja (as external reviewer) and ANEP (as external evaluator: Investigation State Agency).

Experience & Research field: Architectural conservation (principles & practice), surveying historic buildings, heritage education training, study of traditional constructive techniques and raw materials  (i.e. brickworks, earth walls, masonries, jack arch floors, lime & gypsum mortars, natural fibers, among others). 

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